perfect for when you need to share your event with the world!
Nevah+Craig Wedding Ceremony
In 2020 we had the pleasure of filming, photographing, and live streaming Nevah and Craig’s socially distanced wedding. With COVID precautions, the wedding was very small with just family in attendance. Thankfully, we were set up to do quality live streaming so that all of their friends could attend and enjoy their beautiful union.
Catalyst Ornament Craft
Catalyst Christian Community wanted to live stream their annual women’s craft event and broadcast it through Zoom to all the participants. We created this set with several cameras so that all the attendees could see with detail how the ornament was to be created.
Chen Funeral
With the COVID pandemic in 2020 many live events were forced to pivot to live streaming to avoid large group gatherings. Thankfully, we were able to help many to still pay their respects while attending remotely. This event was over 3 hours long in two locations.
Encore Theater Group
We were asked by Encore Theater Group to film and live stream their fundraiser at the historic Warner Grand Theater in San Pedro, CA. We used 3 cameras, audio from the house sound, and various video clips, music, and artwork to broadcast their live production online.